The Republic of Indonesia is a contracting party to the Convention on Nuclear Safety since 2004. For the purpose of the Third Review Meeting in 2005, Indonesia has submitted its first national report in 2004. This is the forth report that was prepared and based on the IAEA guideline No. INFCIRC/572/Rev. 3 (2002) on National Reports under the Convention on Nuclear Safety and through a self asses…
This report is prepared not only to fulfil obligation of Indonesia as the party of this Convention and as the supporter of Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety (VDNS). This is also a selfassessment result, and as an embarking country this is a demonstration of commitment to nuclear safety. Through the submission and presentation of this report, Indonesia is open for any recommendation and sugge…
This publication reproduces the explanatory texts on the nuclear liability instruments adopted under the IAEA’s auspices in 1997. Finalized by the International Expert Group on Nuclear Liability (INLEX), these texts constitute a comprehensive study and authoritative interpretation of the IAEA’s nuclear liability regime. More particularly, the texts deal with the Protocol to Amend the Vienna…
An increasing number of nuclear facilities are coming to the end of their useful lives and are being, or are going to be, decommissioned with a view to removing the sites from regulatory control. In many cases, decommissioning activities include the decontamination of land, buildings and other structures such as underground pipes and tanks, or ponds, at the site that became contaminated as a re…
The IAEA facilitated International Nuclear Management Academy (INMA) supports universities to establish and deliver master’s degree programmes focusing on technology management for the nuclear sector including nuclear power programmes, nuclear applications and radiological technologies. The current publication provides guidance for these master’s programmes that have a specialized focus on …
To address the challenges posed by climate change, and to achieve the goals established in the 2015 Paris Agreement, nuclear power has been identified to have great potential to contribute to the 1.5°C climate change mitigation target. This topical conference on climate change and the role of nuclear power, the first of its kind, served as a unique forum for exchanging science-based informatio…
Safety requirements for the design of containment systems are presented in a generic form. The various functions of confinement, isolation, energy management, radionuclide management and combustible gas control as well as the structural and leak integrity are covered. Annexes provide examples for the most common design solutions and other aspects.
This book consist : Introduction; Design principles; Postulated initiating events; and Design features. (Jml)
This publication states the fundamental safety objective and ten associated safety principles, and briefly describes their intent and purpose. The fundamental safety objective — to protect people and the environment from harmful effects of ionizing radiation — applies to all circumstances that give rise to radiation risks. The safety principles are applicable, as relevant, throughout the en…
This Safety Guide addresses the subject of how to meet the requirements for the decommissioning of medical, industrial and research facilities where radioactive materials and sources are produced, received, used and stored. It provides guidance to national authorities and operating organizations, particularly to those in developing countries (as such facilities are predominant in these countrie…