Proceedings of a conference, Sydney, Australia, 18–22 April 1988. The purpose of the conference was to exchange views on the principles of radiation protection, to highlight issues of current importance, to examine the problems encountered in applying the principles of radiation protection and, where possible, to identify generic solutions. The important topics covered were the interface betw…
This technical report, one of a series on the management of ageing nuclear power plants, presents methodologies for selecting plant components important to safety whose ageing should be assessed and for performing ageing management studies. Although the report has been developed for the management of ageing of plant components important to safety, the methodology studies are applicable to compo…
Membahas tentang Nuclear energy-law and legislation-Handbooks, manual, etc. 2. Radiation-safety measures-Handbooks, manual, etc. 3. Nuclear reactors-safety measures-Handbooks, manuals, etc. 4. Liability for nuclear damages-Handbooks, manual, etc. 5. Nuclear nonproliferation-Handbooks, manuals, etc. (Jml)
This report provides detailed guidance on how to review probabilistic safety assessments (PSAs) for nuclear power plants with the purpose of providing a basis for taking risk informed decisions within a regulatory decision making process. It gives a detailed account of the field and also addresses the relevant technical issues.
This guidebook is a revision and update of the IAEA Guidebook on Training to Establish and Maintain the Qualification and Competence of Nuclear Power Plant Operations Personnel, IAEA-TECDOC-525, published in 1989. It incorporates the experience gained since the introduction of the Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) for nuclear power plant personnel and emphasizes a broader concept of compete…
The IAEA Safeguards Glossary 2001 Edition reflects recent advances in the strengthening of the IAEA safeguards system. It aims at facilitating the understanding of the specialized safeguards terminology within the international community. The glossary comprises 13 sections, each addressing a specific subject related to IAEA safeguards. The terms used have been translated into the official langu…
The present report deals with the concept of defence in depth in nuclear and radiation safety, discussing its objectives, strategy, implementation and future development. The report is intended for use by governmental authorities and by the nuclear industry and its supporting organizations. It is designed to stimulate discussion and to promote practical action at all levels to enhance safety. …
This Safety Guide was prepared as part of the Agency's programme for establishing Codes and Safety Guides relating to nuclear power plants. The main purpose of the text is to provide guidance on the determination of the design basis ground motions for a nuclear power plant at a chosen site and on the determination of the potential for surface faulting at that site. Additionally, the Guide discu…
At a Special Session of the IAEA General Conference in September 1986, it was suggested that the IAEA could play a role in assisting Member States in the enhancement of their regulatory practices with the objective of increasing the confidence of the international community in the safety of nuclear power programmes. As the first stage of this assistance, the Agency initiated an IAEA Questionnai…
This guide advises on the protection of nuclear power plants against the effects of external man-induced events which originate outside the site and which have been identified and selected as design basis external man-induced events (DBEMIEs) according to Safety Guide No. 50-SG-S5, to which this guide is complementary.