Proceedings contains material Executive summary; Opening session; Background session; Explanatory topical session liability; Communication with the public and between governments; Effectiveness of radiation protection in transport (Technical session 1); Compliance and quality assurance (Technical session 2); Packaging and transport of radioactive material (fuel cycle and non-fuel cycle) (Techni…
Proceedings contains material Opening session; The problem; Response from international organizations; The regulatory control of radiation sources, including systems for notification, authorization (registration and licensing) and inspection; Safety assessment techniques applied to radiation sources: design and technological measures, including defence in depth and good engineering practice; Ma…
Proceedings contains material Conference summary; Opening session; Research reactor safety (Session 1); Research reactor utilization (Session 2); Research reactor decommissioning and waste management (Session 3); and Fuel management (Session 4). (Jml)
The IAEA organized this conference on the management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors to facilitate the exchange of information on the issues identified. The conference was organized in cooperation with the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in Vienna from 19 to 22 June 2006. The conference was arranged in eight topical sessions: the evolving international scene, the international saf…
Proceedings contains material Opening session; Opening statements; Reports from international organizations on biological effects of ionizing radiation (Background Session 1); Reports on related international conferences (Background Session 2); Meolecular mechanisms of radiation effects: point and clastogenic mutations (Forum 1); Adaptive responses: enhanced repair and apoptosis (Forum 2); Mult…
Proceedings contains material Executive summary; Opening session; Policies and strategies for low activity radioactive waste management and disposal (Session 1); Very low level radioactive waste (VLLW) (Session 2); Panel; Low activity radioactive waste from decommissioning (Session 3); Panel; Long lived low activity radioactive waste/other materials (Session 4); Panel; Unique low activity waste…
Proceedings contains material Summary report: Interaction of ionizing radiation with other physical and chemical factors in improving the safety and storage stability of foods; Microbiological safety of tenderized, proteinaceous, semi-processed and processed food prepared from poultry treated with ionzing radiation and other processes; Effect of the rate and dose rate of irradiation on the qual…
Proceedings contains material Summary; Opening session; Roles, functions and value of technical and scientific support organizations (Topical Session 1); Challenges faced by TSOs and TSO effectiveness (Topical Session 2); International cooperation, networking and application of IAEA safety standards (Topical Session 3); Perspectives on the evolving needs for technical and scientific support (To…
Proceedings contains material Summary; Opening Plenary (Session 1); Technical plenary (Session 2); and Closing plenary (Session 21). (Jml)
Essay about general estimation pf the radioactive contamination of theterritories and radiation hazardous objects; Including former military test sites. Areas influenced due to chernobly and mayak accidents, And territories of oil fields; Techiniques and procedures of radioecologiat monitoring; Techiniques of determinition of radionuclide concentrrations and its species in the environment