This comprehensive and detailed sourcebook offers humanitarian organizations, for the first time, essential information on how to prepare for the key man-made disasters which they have to face in an ever more dangerous world. (Jml)
Pengkajian dilakukan untuk memperoleh potret lapangan mengenai kajian radiologik pada pediatrik di fasilitas radiologi diagnostik dan intervensional pada tahun anggaran 2010. Hasil kajian akan digunakan sebagai bahan masukan teknis ilmiah untuk penyusunan/pengembangan peraturan/pedoman mengenai keselamatan radiologik pada pasien pediatrik dan pengembangan sistem perizinan dan inspeksi. (Jml)
On 17 June 1997 a physicist working as a senior technician at the nuclear Centre, Sarov, in the Russian Federation, was severely exposed as a result of a critically accident with an assembly of high enriched uranium. The exposure, which caused a high neutron radiation dose, led to death within three days despite prompt medical attention. The Russian authorities requested urgent assistance from…
Pengkajian sistem pengawasan tentang proteksi radiasi di fasilitas radiologi intervensional dilakukan melalui dua cara: kajian literatur mengenai prinsip prteksi radiasi dalam radiologi intervensional di luar negeri, dan survei di fasilitas radiologi intervensional beberapa rumah sakit di Indonesia. (Jml)
A serious radiological accident occurred in Istambul, Turkey, in December 1998 and January 1999 when two packages used to transport 60Co teletherapy sources were sold as scrap metal. The persons who purchased the two packages opened them and broke open the shielded containers, thereby unknowingly exposing themselves and several others to radiation from at least one unshielded 60Co source. the…
On 21 June 1990, one such accident occurred at an industrial irradiation facility in Israel when an operator entered the irradiation room and was acutely exposed to radiation, with fatal consequences. This accident was the result, as was the earlier one in San Salvador, of a violation of established operating procedures. The accident in Israel, a country with a comparatively good infrastructure…
Occasionally, established safety procedures are violated and serious radiological consequences ensue. The radiological accident described in this report, which took place in Lilo, Georgia, was a result of such an infraction. Sealed radiation sources had been abandoned by a previous owner at a site without following established regulatory safety procedures, for example by transferring the source…
Berisi petunjuk bagi operator SRD yang disusun dengan anggapan bahwa seseorang operator biasanya hanya mempunyai sedikit pengetahuan tentang peralatan sinar X atau pengalaman tentang bagaimana menyinari seorang pasien. Buku ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengajar teori radiografi, tetapi lebih merupakan suatu tampilan urutan visual yang harus diikuti secara tepat tanpa penyesuaian atau variasi pri…
A serious radiological accident occurred in Peru in February 1999 when a welder picked up an 192Ir industrial radiography source and put it in his pocket for several hours. This resulted in his receiving a high radiation dose that necessitated the amputation of one leg. His wife and children were also exposed, but to a much lesser extent. (Jml)