This Standard establishes the nuclear safety criteria and functional design requirements of structures, systems, and components of stationary boiling water reactor (BWR) power plants. Operations, maintenance, and testing requirements are covered only to the extent that they affect design provisions.
This Standard establishes the nuclear safety criteria and functional design requirements of structures, systems, and components of stationary pressurized water reactor (PWR) power plants. Operations, maintenance, and testing requirements are covered only to the extent that they affect design provisions.
Deterministic safety analysis (henceforth referred to as accident analysis) is an important tool for confirming the adequacy and efficiency of provisions within the defence in depth concept for the safety of nuclear power plants (NPPs). Due to the close interrelation between accident analysis and safety, an analysis that lacks consistency, is incomplete or of poor quality is considered a safety…
This report provides a set of suggested methods and practices for determining the source term and analysing the radiological consequences of research reactor accidents. It provides safety analysts, regulators, and reactor facility management and operations staff, with the calculation methods and techniques necessary for deriving the source term. This includes all factors relevant to the formati…
This publication provides practical guidance for performing safety analyses of research reactors. The guidance is based on present good practice worldwide. It covers all the steps required to perform safety analyses, i.e. selection of initiating events and acceptance criteria, rules and conventions, selection of computational tools, and presentation and evaluation of the analysis results. The s…
This publication provides a description of the elements which should be addressed by the team responsible for the preparation, development and implementation of a plant specific accident management programme at a nuclear power plant. The issues addressed include formation of the team, selection of accident management strategies, safety analyses required, evaluation of the performance of plant s…
To foster international collaboration in nuclear power technology, the IAEA has conducted a coordinated research project (CRP) on Intercomparison of Techniques for Heavy Water Pressure Tube Inspection and Diagnostics. This publication presents the results of the second phase of the CRP, dealing with blister characterization by in situ non-destructive examination (NDE) techniques and determinati…
This is a collection of references about nuclear power reactors in the world 2019. Published by the IAEA in 2019. This document contains a lot of statistical data in the form of tables such as from construction to operation from various IAEA member countries. Final data is taken until 2018 (MM). Keyword: nuclear power reactor, IAEA, nuclear reactor
Heavy-water reactors have evoked a great deal of interest since the early days of atomic power development. These reactors, by virtue of their good neutron economy, offer certain advantages over other types, including lower fuel inventory, versatility in fuel cycle with the possibility of using natural or enriched uranium as well as thorium, better fuel utilization, and consequently low fuel cy…
This monograph is one in a series developed through the joint efforts of the American Nuclear Society and The Division of Technical Information of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. The objective of this series is the publication of concise, authoritative treatises on selected subjects in nuclear science and technology, realizing a shorter writing and publication schedule together with a lower …