The International Atomic Energy Agency, in response to many requests, has produced this guidebook as a general summary of the work that has to be undertaken in the preparation for and introduction of nuclear power in a country. In particular, the book gives guidance on the decisions that have to be taken and the requirements for studies, organization and trained manpower that have to be met on …
This report provides a set of suggested methods and practices for determining the source term and analysing the radiological consequences of research reactor accidents. It provides safety analysts, regulators, and reactor facility management and operations staff, with the calculation methods and techniques necessary for deriving the source term. This includes all factors relevant to the formati…
This publication is a companion to the IAEA Safety Report, Accident Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants. It is specifically devoted to the analysis of severe accidents. Although the publication does not explicitly differentiate between various reactor types, it has been written on the basis of the available knowledge and databases developed for light water reactors (LWRs). Its application is ther…
This publication provides a description of the elements which should be addressed by the team responsible for the preparation, development and implementation of a plant specific accident management programme at a nuclear power plant. The issues addressed include formation of the team, selection of accident management strategies, safety analyses required, evaluation of the performance of plant s…
This report provides guidance for conducting seismic safety evaluation programmes for existing nuclear power plants in a manner consistent with internationally recognized practice. It will be useful for regulatory organizations and other organizations responsible for the implementation of seismic safety evaluation programmes.
This Safety Guide provides guidelines and recommends procedures for the evaluation of seismic hazards for nuclear power plants. Specifically, it provides recommendations on how to determine the ground motion hazards for a plant at a particular site and the potential for surface faulting, which could affect the feasibility of construction and safe operation of a plant at that site.
The distribution and estimation of heavy rains in tropical cyclones and their effects on flooding are, however, not discussed, since these aspects are considered in the IAEA Safety Guides 50-SG-S10A, 50-SG-S10B and 50-SG-S 11 A.
This report is a guide for designers, operators and regulatory bodies responsible for evaluating the potential consequences of a large primary to secondary leakage accident in WWER-440 reactors. Specific attention is paid to the modelling of such an accident and to resulting safety issues.
This Safety Guide addresses the subject of how to meet the requirements for decommissioning of nuclear power plants and research reactors. It provides guidance to national authorities and operating organizations on the planning and safe management of the decommissioning of such installations.
This report discusses the means and principal issues for the development of a nuclear economic performance international system, with the purpose of enhancing nuclear power plant competitiveness. It addresses the major transformations occurring in the electricity generation industry to achieve operation and maintenance (O&M) cost reductions and is therefore primarily intended for nuclear power …