"Strategic management: Competetiveness and globalization, 6th edition, provides the most accurate, relevant, and complete presentation of strategic management today. Authors Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, and Robert E. Hoskisson thoroughly revised each chapter, weaving cutting-edge ideas, research, and modern practice to create a presentation that captures the dynamic nature of the field. T…
This book describes the essential elements of a behavior-based safety program as well as describing some of the barriers to full implementation. The author also discusses how to evaluate supervisory performance and training methods. Drawing on his training and experience in industrial psychology and organizational behavior, Dr. Petersen presents a model for teaching safe behavior and building a…
Disaster recovery is often unplanned for in the emergency management life cycle. Yet recovery is the key stage where funds, programs, professional expertise, and volunteer efforts are applied to affected cities, states, and regions to get them up and running again. Providing a unique perspective on a highly focused area, Disaster Recovery is the first core text that tackles the myriad recovery …
Prosiding ini memuat 34 karya tulis dari berbagai hasil penelitian mengenai pengelolaan limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun, limbah radioaktif maupun pengelolaan lingkungan. Makalah-makalah berasal dari berbagai institusi/departemen yaitu: Kantor Meneg. Lingkungan Hidup, Departemen Eksplorasi Laut dan Perikanan, Deperindag, BAPETEN, BPPT, ITB, Universitas Trisakti, ASPEMBAYA, PT. ANEKA TAMBANG T…
This book consist : Introduction; Recruitment and selection; Competence and qualification; Training policy; Training programmes; Training facilities and materials; and Authorization. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Non-destructive analysis; Destructive analysis; Containment and surveillance; Unattended and remote monitoring; and Environmental sampling. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; The Threats; International legal instruments; International initiatives; Understanding radiation and its effects; Radiation safety; Authorized uses and nuclear commerce; Transport of nuclear and other radioactive material; Preventing criminal or unauthorized acts; Technical detection methods; and Response measures. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Protection of human health and the environment; Roles and responsibilities; General safety considerations; Safety features for the predisposal management of LILW; Record keeping and reporting; Safety assessment; and Quality assurance. (Jml)
Project management is a leadership function primarily concerned with the organization, coordination and control of large undertakings, with the aim of achieving technical excellence, by working to quality standards, optimizing the schedule and the supply chain and minimizing costs. Competent project management can reduce costs through more efficient work sequences, higher productivity, shorter …