Proceedings contains material Conference summary; Opening session; Changing environments: coping with diversity and globalization (Topical Issue 1); Operating experience: Managing changes effectively (Topical Issue 2); Regulatory management systems: adapting to changes in the environment (Topical Issue 3); Long term operations: maintaining safety margins while extending plant lifetimes (Topical…
Proceedings contains material Opening speeches; Issue overviews, summary discussions of substantive topics, conclusions and reommendations; Major finding of the conference and president's closing statement; Background papers; and Authorities of the conference and list of participants. (Jml)
Proceedings contains material Conference summary; Opening session; Research reactor safety (Session 1); Research reactor utilization (Session 2); Research reactor decommissioning and waste management (Session 3); and Fuel management (Session 4). (Jml)
Proceedings contains material Neutron beam research and applications of neutron scattering (Session I); Poster presentation; Reactor engineering (Session II); Poster presentations; Irradiation testing of fuel and material for fission and fusion reactors (Session III); Poster presentations; Neutron capture therapy (Session V); Neutron activation analysis (Session VI); Poster presentations; and A…
The clamor for non-carbon dioxide emitting energy production has directly impacted on the development of nuclear energy. As new nuclear plants are built, plans and designs are continually being developed to manage the range of challenging requirement and problems that nuclear plants face especially when managing the greatly increased operating temperatures, irradiation doses and extended design…
The history of nuclear fission; Reactor designs; Nuclear safety and three major accidents; Operating experience; Fuelling the reactor; Privotising the UK nuclear idustry; A new nuclear programme for the UK; New rector design; Future reactor design; The development of fusion.