This book consist of 10 chapters that Chapter 1: Nuclear Law and the Legislative Process; Chapter 2: The Regulatory Body; Chapter 3: Licensing, Inspection and Enforcement; Chapter 4: Radiation Protection; Chapter 5: Sources of Radiation and Radioactive Material; Chapter 6: Safety of Nuclear Facilities; Chapter 7: Emergency Preparedness and Response; Chapter 8: Mining and Milling; Chapter 9: Tra…
This book consist : Introduction; Management system for maintenance, periodic testing and inspection; Overview of maintenance, periodic testing and inspection; Deisgn considerations; Programme for maintenace periodic testing and inspection; Organization and responsibilities for maintenance periodic testing and inspection; Selection, training and qualification of personnel; Procedures; Administr…
This book consist : Introduction; Organization and responsibilities; Safety assessment, categorization and approval routes; General and specific safety requirements for design; Pre-implementation phase of a utilization or modification project; Implementation phase of a utilization or modification project; Post implementation phase of a utilization or modification project; Operational safety req…
This book consist : Introduction; Preliminary investigation; Detailed information; Flooding by storm surges and seiches; Tsunami fooding; Wave effects; Reference water level; Ice effects; Design basis for the flood; Shoreline stability; Flood protection aspects of nuclear power plant siting; and Monitoring and warning for plant protection. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Management system for commissioning; Commissioning programme; Commissioning organization; Commissioning stages; Commissioning procedures and reports; Documentation; and Commissioning of new experimental devices and modifications. (Jml)
Essay about The nuclear power industry at the turn of the 21st century; The thermal process in wet-steam turbines; and Design; Operation; Refurbishment; including Appendix , list of abbreviations and symbols.
This book consist : Introduction; Research and development programmes for heavy water reactors; and Power plant technologies and design. (Jml)
Essay about formulation of the reactor thermal hydraulic design problem; Single, heated channel transient analysis; Flow loops; Multiple heated channels connected only at plena; Analyisis of interacting channels by the porous media approach; Subchannel analysis; Distributed parameter analysis of reactor fuel rod assemblies; and Treatment of uncertainties in reactor thermal analysis. (Jml)