The book assumes, as prerequisite, a knowledge of chemistry, mathematics, and physics equivalent to that of the third year of a university chemical engineering curriculum. Thorough study of all chapters with use of the referencs would require more than two semesters of univerisity work. Since this will seldom if ever be attempted in a school, the topies are segregated insofar as possible, with …
This book consist : China;s spent fuel treatment: The present status and prospects; The French view for spent fuel treatment: Reprocessing, conditioning and recycling; Status of power reactor fuel reprocessing in India; Spent fuel tretament in Japan; WWER reactor spent fuel treatment at the final stage of the fuel cycle; and The status of spent fuel tretament in the United Kingdom. (Jml)
This book consist : Equipment and techniques (Session 1); and Experience and needs (Session 2). (Jml)
Prosiding ini memuat 26 buah makalah ilmiahyang dikelompokkan menjadi tiga yaitu Kelompok A: Teknologi eksplorasi, pengolahan, pemurnian dan analisa bahan nuklir; Kelompok B: Teknologi elemen bakar nuklir dan bahan struktur; dan Kelompok C: Teknologi kelola limbah, keselamatan dan manajemen daur bahan bakar nuklir. (Jml)