Deterministic safety analysis (henceforth referred to as accident analysis) is an important tool for confirming the adequacy and efficiency of provisions within the defence in depth concept for the safety of nuclear power plants (NPPs). Due to the close interrelation between accident analysis and safety, an analysis that lacks consistency, is incomplete or of poor quality is considered a safety…
To foster international collaboration in nuclear power technology, the IAEA has conducted a coordinated research project (CRP) on Intercomparison of Techniques for Heavy Water Pressure Tube Inspection and Diagnostics. This publication presents the results of the second phase of the CRP, dealing with blister characterization by in situ non-destructive examination (NDE) techniques and determinati…
Heavy-water reactors have evoked a great deal of interest since the early days of atomic power development. These reactors, by virtue of their good neutron economy, offer certain advantages over other types, including lower fuel inventory, versatility in fuel cycle with the possibility of using natural or enriched uranium as well as thorium, better fuel utilization, and consequently low fuel cy…