Radiogenic and stable isotopes are used widely in the earth sciences to determine the ages of rocks, meteorites and archeological objects, and as tracers to understand geological and environmental processes. Isotope methods determine the age of the Earth, help reconstruct the climate of the past, and explain the formation of the chemical elements in the Universe. This textbook provides a compre…
Prosiding ini memuat 30 makalah yang dipresentasikan dalam pertemuan ini, yaitu 3 makalah utama/undangan dan 27 makalah peserta dengan peserta terdiri dari: Lingkungan BATAN; Instansi Pemerintah: Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi, Departemen Pertanian , BSN; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayur (Balitas), Bandung; Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (Balittro), Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi (Balit…
This book consist : Introduction; Fundamentals of nuclear physics; Parameters obtained by nuclear techniques; Measurement methods; Interpretation; Impact of new technology. (Jml)