The principal aim of the International Conference on Nuclear Security: Global Directions for the Future was to share information on how to most successfully combat sub-State and criminal threats now and in the future, and to foster a better understanding and awareness of the global changes since 11 September 2001. The conference considered the threat of malicious acts involving nuclear and othe…
This publication defines the basic concepts and elements of nuclear security culture, with the aim of providing Member States with international consensus guidance on planning and implementing a programme to improve nuclear security culture. Particular emphasis is placed on areas such as regulation, government institutions and general public awareness. The report provides an overview of the nec…
Nuclear scientists have recognized that much can be learned from the analysis of reported cases of illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive material, specifically, what the material has been used for, where it was obtained from (stock, scrap or waste) and whether the amount seized was only a sample of a much more significant quantity. These and many other questions can be answered t…