This book examines the threat of a terrorist organisation constructing and detonating a nuclear bomb. It explores the role and impact of the organisational design of a terrorist organisation in implementing a nuclear terrorism plot. In order to do so, the work builds on the organisational analogy between an assumed nuclear terrorism scenario and four case studies as follows: the construction…
Higher education plays an essential role in nuclear security capacity building. It ensures the availability of experts able to provide the necessary competencies for effective national nuclear security oversight of nuclear and other radioactive material and to establish and maintain an appropriate nuclear regime in a State. This publication presents both the theoretical knowledge and the practi…
This implementing guide presents a comprehensive methodology for the development of preventive and protective measures against insider threats to nuclear facilities and nuclear material transport operations of all types. Institutional insiders who are privy to the inner workings of security systems present a unique challenge to the establishment of effective control systems for nuclear material…