This Safety Guide provides recommendations on all the main components of operating experience feedback systems, utilizing relevant information on events and abnormal conditions that have occurred at nuclear installations around the world. It focuses on the interaction between the different systems for using operating experience feedback and constitutes an update and an extension of Part I: A Na…
This book consist : Introduction; Safety objectives; Legislative and regulatory framework; Management of safety; Technical aspects of safety; and Verification of safety. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Types of irradiators; Radiation safety objectives; Safety philosophy; Design requirements; Regulatory control; Responsibilties of the operating organization; Responsibilities of designers and manufactures, importers and supplers, and constructors and installers; The transport, loading and unloading of sources; and Special safety requirements for electron accele…
Proceedings contains material Conference summary; Opening session; Changing environments: coping with diversity and globalization (Topical Issue 1); Operating experience: Managing changes effectively (Topical Issue 2); Regulatory management systems: adapting to changes in the environment (Topical Issue 3); Long term operations: maintaining safety margins while extending plant lifetimes (Topical…