The reports of The International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements for a number of years have been published by the National Bureau of Standards in the Handbook series. In the past, each of the triennial reports of the ICRU represented a complete restatement of the recomuiendations of the Commission. Because of the increasing scope of its activities, however, the Commission in 1…
This book consist : Introduction; Physics of some radiation detectors; Fundamental or direct measurements of activity in radioactive decayIndirect or comparative measurements of activity in radioactive decay; Techniques for the preparation of standard solutions and samples for counting and calibration; The assay of radioactivity and the identification of radionuclides in environmental, medical,…
Radiasi hadir dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ada yang alami dan ada yang buatan. Keduanya ada manfaatnya. Namun, radiasi buatan kendati bermanfaat harus berhati-hati ketika menggunakannya. Oleh karena itu, perlu ada pengetahuan khusus yang membahas tentang radiasi. Berkaitan hal tersebut, buku yang ditulis oleh John ini menarik untuk dibaca karena secra khusus membahas tentang dunia radiasi dan k…
This publication is a revision of an earlier Safety Guide of the same title issued in 1994. It recommends revised waste management strategies that reflect changes in practices and approaches since then. It sets out a classification system for the management of waste prior to disposal and for disposal, driven by long term safety considerations. It includes a number of schemes for classifying rad…
This Safety Guide provides recommendations and guidance on the safe management of radioactive waste resulting from the mining and milling of ores, with the purpose of protecting workers, the public and the environment from the consequences of these activities. It supplements Safety Standards Series No. WS-R-1, Near Surface Disposal of Radioactive Waste.
This book consist : Introduction; Selection of required measurements and sampling; Survey; Monitoring; and Analytical procedures for radionuclides of interest. (Jml)
Man’s environment is pervaded by ionizing radiation of predominantly natural origin but now with an important contribution from anthropogenic activities. Exposure to ionizing radiation can have serious health implications, which is why it is of concern to us. This book brings together under one cover, the fundamentals of radiological protection, the techniques used for measuring radioactivity…
Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste presents a critical review of designing, siting, constructing and demonstrating the safety and environmental impact of deep repositories for radioactive wastes. It is structured to provide a broad perspective of this multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary topic: providing enough detail for a non-specialist to understand the fundamental principles involve…
Proceedings contains material Findings and recommendations of the conference presdient; Opening Session; Background session; Stakeholder involvement in building and maintaining national radioation safety infrastructures; Overview of IAEA model projects; Implementation experience with model projects; Implementation of the model project for upgrading radiation safety infrastructures; Resources an…
This book consist of Origins and Discovery; Nuclear Energeties; Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactors; Types of Radioactive Decay; Transmutation Research; Archaelogy and Dating; Radioisotopes in Medicine; Scientific and Industrial Applications; and Radiation and the Environment. (Jml)