Heavy-water reactors have evoked a great deal of interest since the early days of atomic power development. These reactors, by virtue of their good neutron economy, offer certain advantages over other types, including lower fuel inventory, versatility in fuel cycle with the possibility of using natural or enriched uranium as well as thorium, better fuel utilization, and consequently low fuel cy…
The principal aim of the International Conference on Nuclear Security: Global Directions for the Future was to share information on how to most successfully combat sub-State and criminal threats now and in the future, and to foster a better understanding and awareness of the global changes since 11 September 2001. The conference considered the threat of malicious acts involving nuclear and othe…
The naturally occurring radionuclide radon (222Rn), together with its radioactive progeny, has been widely used to study atmospheric processes and to test and validate comprehensive global chemical transport models. Being a noble gas, radon is not removed from the atmosphere by dry or wet deposition processes, nor does it become attached to aerosols, and so it is a good tracer for air mass move…