Spent nuclear fuel from nuclear reactor activities in the world must be considered in its management. Careful planning is needed so that it does not pose a risk that can be harmful to humans and the surrounding environment. This book is specifically about how to ideally reprocess spent nuclear fuel more safely. Published in 2018 which consists of 24 chapters. Topics cover the introduction and f…
This Safety Requirements publication applies to the predisposal management of radioactive waste of all types and covers all the steps in its management from its generation up to its disposal, including its processing (pretreatment, treatment and conditioning), storage and transport. Such waste may arise from the commissioning, operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities; the use of radi…
This book addresses a very important challenge of the present – complex decommissioning of the nuclear-powered vessels taken out of service and environmental rehabilitation of the centers of basing and everyday running of different-type nuclear vessels. The book specifically focuses on the scientific and technical problems of management of naval spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste.
This book contains the proceedings of the annual symposium on Environmental and Energy Issues took place in conjunction with MS08, October 5-9, 2008 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Several sessions with focused topics in nuclear, environmental, and green engineering were held, including a session of invited talks on Waste Glass Leach Testing and Modeling followed by a panel discussion. This volume…
Prosiding ini memuat 34 karya tulis dari berbagai hasil penelitian mengenai pengelolaan limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun, limbah radioaktif maupun pengelolaan lingkungan. Makalah-makalah berasal dari berbagai institusi/departemen yaitu: Kantor Meneg. Lingkungan Hidup, Departemen Eksplorasi Laut dan Perikanan, Deperindag, BAPETEN, BPPT, ITB, Universitas Trisakti, ASPEMBAYA, PT. ANEKA TAMBANG T…