This publication establishes requirements in respect of the governmental, legal and regulatory framework for safety. It covers the essential aspects of the framework for establishing a regulatory body and taking other actions necessary to ensure the effective regulatory control of facilities and activities utilized for peaceful purposes. Other responsibilities and functions, such as liaison wit…
Dokumen ini membahas terkait Sumber Radioaktif: Penggunaan, Keselamatan, dan Keamanan. Diterbitkan oleh Australian Government ASNO.
This Safety Guide provides a risk based ranking of radioactive sources and practices in five categories. The categorization system is based on a logical and transparent method that provides the flexibility for it to be applied in a wide range of circumstances. On the basis of this categorization, risk informed decisions can be made in a graded approach to the regulatory control of radioactive s…
This Safety Guide provides a risk based ranking of radioactive sources and practices in five categories. The categorization system is based on a logical and transparent method that provides the flexibility for it to be applied in a wide range of circumstances. On the basis of this categorization, risk informed decisions can be made in a graded approach to the regulatory control of radioactive s…
This slide is about Training Materials Physical Protection And Security Management of Radiactive Sources for Inspectors at Hotel Santika, 18-20 April 2011 Bandung Indonesia (AR)
Purspose this publication aims to familiarise you with the use, safety and security of radiactive sources. It Describes the types of industries where radiactive sources might be found, and outlines a radioactive source categorisation scheme for safety and security purposes. This information is intended to raise awarness that radioactive sources are utilised widely and must be appropriately secu…
The 1985 Edition of the IAEA’s Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material reinforced the requirement placed on competent authorities to establish compliance assurance programmes that aim at ensuring that the Regulations are met in practice. This book is intended to provide further guidance on developing and implementing compliance assurance programmes to be used by competent a…
PPT Keamanan Sumber Radioaktif ini berujuan agar peserta memahami ketentuan KSR, mampu menrapkan ke dalam aktivitas pengawasan tenaga nuklir, dan mampu mengevaluasi ketentuan KSR yang berlaku. Isi PPT adalah: Pendahuluan, Dasar hukum referensi internasional, Pembagian kategori sumber radioaktif. Penerapan sistem keamanan sumber radioaktif, Dokumen keamanan sumber radioaktif, Additional: Kea…
Proceedings contains material Waste handling, treatment and conditioning at nuclear facilities (Session B.1); Handling, treatment and conditioning of waste from nuclear power plants (Session B.2); andling, Treatment and conditioning of waste from reprocessing plants: National experience (Session B.3); Handling, treatment and conditioning of high level and specific wastes from reprocessing plant…
This text focuses on nuclear waste management, which can work in democratic countries only if viewed as legitimate by the population. The book posits the inability of democracies to establish such legitimacy as an explanation for the current absence of public policy decisions that can identify a solution.