This slide is about Training Materials Physical Protection And Security Management of Radiactive Sources for Inspectors at Hotel Santika, 18-20 April 2011 Bandung Indonesia (AR)
This safety guide represents an international consensus and understanding on principles for intervention and numerical values for generic intervention levels. It became clear during the Chernobyl Project that there was a need for clarification of the international guidance on intervention and, moreover, for a simple set of internally consistent intervention levels having some generic applicatio…
Dalam era modernisasi industri, keselamatan radiasi menjadi isu utama yang tidak dapat diabaikan, khususnya dalam radiografi industri. Badan Tenaga Atom Internasional (IAEA) telah merilis dokumen pelatihan terbaru untuk Petugas Proteksi Radiasi (Radiation Protection Officers - RPO), yang berjudul "Syllabus for the Training of Radiation Protection Officers: Industrial Radiography". Dokumen ini m…
Buku Fundamentals of Radiation Oncology edisi keempat ini memberikan panduan yang komprehensif dan terstruktur untuk memahami dasar-dasar fisika, biologi, dan klinis dari onkologi radiasi. Dibagi menjadi empat bagian utama, buku ini membahas dasar-dasar sains radiasi, teknologi pengobatan terkini, pendekatan untuk kanker spesifik lokasi, serta penanganan radioterapi darurat dan paliatif. Pembar…
Protokol Computed Tomography Scanner (CT Scan) yang digunakan dalam pemeriksaan pasien harus direviu dan dilakukan optimasi secara berkesinambungan. Fisikawan medis selama ini melakukan evaluasi image quality yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan fantom image quality dan melakukan evaluasi dosis radiasi dengan menggunakan fantom dosimetri secara terpisah. Pembelian fantom dosimetri dan fantom imag…
The Northen Ohio Chapter of the Health Physics Society (NOCHPS) in conjunction with the National Heallth Physics Society (HPS), and the American Radiation Safety Conference and Exposition is proud to host an axciting social event aboard the ship, The Goodtime III, for a pleasure cruise. They have chartered this ship for an exciting and pleasant evening of eating, dancing and sight seeing. (AR)
This book is about Radiation Safety ACT 1975 Diagnostic X-Ray Equipment Compliance Testing Workbook 1 Mobile Radiographic Equipment. (AR)
This workbook is one of a series prepared by a working group of the Radiological Council, the statutory body established under the Western Australian Radiation Safety Act 1975. (AR)
A variety of atomic and sub-atomic processes, including alpha, beta, and gamma decay or electron ejection from inner atom shells, can produce ionizing radiation. This radiation can in turn produce environmental and biological effects both harmful – including DNA damage and other impacts of so-called ‘radiation sickness’ – and helpful, including radiation treatment for cancerous tumors. …
Ionizing Radiation Technologies An authoritative overview of major advances in the application of ionizing radiation technologies to industrial, agricultural, and municipal waste products In Ionizing Radiation Technologies: Managing and Extracting Value from Wastes, a team of expert researchers delivers a broad overview of the value trapped in waste streams and how a strategic application o…