This publication provides guidance for following the requirements for management systems that integrate safety, health, security, quality assurance and environmental objectives. A successful management system ensures that nuclear safety matters are not dealt with in isolation but are considered within the context of all these objectives. The aim of this publication is to assist Member States to…
This Safety Guide provides recommendations on all the main components of operating experience feedback systems, utilizing relevant information on events and abnormal conditions that have occurred at nuclear installations around the world. It focuses on the interaction between the different systems for using operating experience feedback and constitutes an update and an extension of Part I: A Na…
The IAEA’s statutory role is to “seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world”. Among other functions, the IAEA is authorized to “foster the exchange of scientific and technical information on peaceful uses of atomic energy”. One way this is achieved is through a range of technical publications including the IAEA…
The IAEA Nuclear Security Series provides international consensus guidance on all aspects of nuclear security to support States as they work to fulfil their responsibility for nuclear security. The IAEA establishes and maintains this guidance as part of its central role in providing nuclear security related international support and coordination. The IAEA Nuclear Security Series was launched in…
Launching a nuclear power programme is the sovereign decision of a country and constitutes a major undertaking requiring careful planning, preparation and investment in time, institutions, financing and human resources. The IAEA has developed a three phase methodology to support the development of the national infrastructure required for a nuclear power programme in a Member State. Known as …
This publication presents the outcome of a technical meeting on modern neutron detection. The objective of the meeting was to bring together experience and opinions from experts from various fields in which neutron detection is used, and to produce this publication that will cover the current state of the art in neutron detection and provide a medium-term outlook on technologies in the field. T…
Dokumen ini memberikan pedoman pelaksanaan operasional dan mekanisme kerja OTDNN untuk menjamin pelaksanaan tugas OTDNN yang tepat, cepat dan efisien
Rencana kontinjensi ini mengatur kesiapsiagaan dan penanggulangan kedaruratan nuklir dari organisasi Kedaruratan KAWASAN NUKLIR YOGYAKARTA dan para pemangku organisasi respon daerah terhadap kecelakaan nuklir fasilitas dengan dampak radiologi deterministik diperkirakan tidak mencapai luar lepas-kawasan, akan tetapi kemungkinan dampak stokastik atau dampak lainnya mencapai luar kawasan.
In light of an established need for more efficient analytical procedures, this publication, which documents the findings of an IAEA coordinated research project (CRP) on “Quality Control of Pesticide Products”, simplifies the existing protocol for pesticide analysis while simultaneously upholding existing standards of quality. This publication includes both a report on the development work …
Buku ini memberikan gambaran Knowledge Management (KM) yang utuh, karena memang untuk implementasi KM yang efektif melibatkan banyak elemen: manusia, budaya, proses, kepemimpinan, dan teknologi. Karena mencakup elemen-elemen yang begitu luas, maka tidak semua elemen tersebut dibahas dengan mendalam. (Jml)