Guna kelancaran dalam melakukan aktivitas kajian khususnya pada saat review dan assesment seperti proses pemberian dukungan teknis bagi kegiatan pengawasan Badan Pengawasa Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN) terkait perijinan dan inspeksi terhadap instalasi nuklir, maka diperlukan upaya peningkatan kompetensi staf untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak (software) dan program komputer (computer codes). Tujua…
Kajian ini merupakan bagian dari kajian teknis tentang proteksi radiasi dan pengelolaan limbah radioaktif pada pengoperasian reaktor daya, dan diperlukan sebagai pedoman penyusunan program pengelolaan limbah radioaktif pada pengoperasian reaktor daya dan fokus utama pada kajian ini meliputi pengelolaan limbah radioaktif dan pengendalian lepasan melalui pemantauan lingkungan dan pemantauan sumbe…
Penalaahan dan penilaian adalah kegiatan teknis berupa proses reviu/analisis yang mendalam dan sistematis guna mengetahui informasi yang diberikan pemohon izin telah memenuhi persyaratan izin dan regulasi yang telah ditetapkan untuk mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan perizinan. Tujuan pembuatan prosedur penelaahan dan penilaian P2STPIBN ini adalah untuk menetapkan tata cara dan memandu pada…
Reaktor TRIGA Bandung direncanakan akan melakukan modifikasi, yakni penggunaan batang tanpa fuel follower di teras reaktor. Kegiatan tersebut akan dilaksanakan dalam rangka untuk mengganti batang kendali FFCR (Fuel Follower Control Rod/batang kendali dengan bahan bakar ikutan) dengan batang kendali tanpa bahan bakar ikutan. Dalam upaya kegaitan modifikasi tersebut, maka harus dilakukan analisi…
This publication presents a summary of discussions from a consultants meeting on the merits and challenges associated with the operation of aqueous homogeneous reactors (AHRs) for the production of the isotope technetium-99m (99mTc) and includes the technical presentations given by the participants during the meeting. Currently, 80% of all radiopharmaceutical procedures employ 99mTc, a product …
Nuclear security culture is an important component of an effective nuclear security regime, as it serves as a tool to improve the performance of the human component at nuclear facilities and organizations to counter both insider and outsider threats. Security culture connotes not only the technical proficiency of the people but also their awareness of security risks and motivation to follow est…
INPRO is an international project to help ensure that nuclear energy is available to contribute in a sustainable manner to meeting the energy needs of the 21st century. This publication is part of Phase 2 of INPRO and provides a summary of seven nuclear energy assessment (NESA) studies that document the application of the INPRO methodology in national nuclear power programmes, in specific desig…
On 17 June 1997 a physicist working as a senior technician at the Nuclear Centre, Sarov, in the Russian Federation, was severely exposed as a result of a criticality accident with an assembly of highly enriched uranium. The exposure, which caused a high neutron radiation dose, led to death within three days despite prompt medical attention. This is the first report that the IAEA has published o…
Radiological environmental impact assessment models are important tools to ensure protection of the public and the environment. The IAEA has an ongoing programme to improve capabilities in this area by model testing and comparison, reaching consensus on modelling philosophies, approaches and parameter values. This publication describes and summarizes the findings of Working Group 9 carried out …
This publication was developed from the exchange of information, experiences and practices by participating Member States at the IAEA Technical Meeting on the Safety and Security Interface — Approaches and National Experiences, held in Vienna in 2018. It aims to provide a better understanding of the important elements of the interface between nuclear safety and nuclear security for facilities…