This report is prepared not only to fulfil obligation of Indonesia as the party of this Convention and as the supporter of Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety (VDNS). This is also a selfassessment result, and as an embarking country this is a demonstration of commitment to nuclear safety. Through the submission and presentation of this report, Indonesia is open for any recommendation and sugge…
Fuel acceptance criteria can be used, among other things, as key inputs in the determination of operating limits and conditions for reactor operational states, in the determination of fitness for service criteria for anticipated operational occurrences, in the formulation of special safety system trip set points for accident conditions, and in the determination of a plant's safe operating envel…
People performing in systems have in common the fact that they are each somebody doing something, someplace. The possibilities range from a telephone installer connecting a cable high a top a pole in the middle of winter, to achauffeur driving an automibile on a curvy mountain road, or a craftsperson building a violin in a small workshop on a sultry afternoon. In each case, there is somebody do…
in this book, the terms safety or hazard analysis are viewed interchange ably, and they, as well as reliability analysis, refer to studies of process of equipment failure or operability. If the purpose of the study is to determine safety parameters, it is necessary to condider, in addition to equipment failure and operability, the possibility of damage by (or to) the system. I this Phase of the…
Buku ini merupakan kompilasi beberapa makalah dari Prof. Said Zainal Abidin, Ph.D. Yang ditulis untuk beberapa majalah, jurnal dan presentasi dalam seminar. Kompilasi didasarkan atas pertimbangan relevansi antar makalah dalam upaya revitalisasi administrasi publik dalam mewujudkan tata pemerintahan yang baik (good governance) di Indonesia. (Jml)
Buku ini berisi pengalaman hidup penulisnya yakni Ust. Yusuf Mansur pada saat masih menempuh kehidupan kelam, kehidupan yang jauh dari nilai-nilai moral apalagi nilai ketuhanan. Banyak perenungan sufistik & hikmah yg luar biasa yg tersari melalui 35 kisah nyata Perjalanan Spiritual dalam menepis azab dan menuai rahmat yang akan membawa anda semakin menyadari akan hakikat hidup & kehidupan sehin…