Buku ini menyajikan tip dan trik optimalisasi fitur-fitur Visual Basic 6.0 untuk menghasilkan berbagai aplikasi. Secara garis besar, pembahasan meliputi: Manipulasi form dan kontrol, help aplikasi, dan trik menghasilkan antarmuka user yang atraktif. Akses dan manipulasi data, ADO, ekspor/impor data, Visual Basic for Application (VBA), konversi file, dan interaksi serta otomasi berbagai aplikasi…
Pada awalnya, Internet hanya digunakan untuk menampilkan data-data statis yang disebarkan untuk pengguna internet secara umum. Namun dalam perkembangannya, banyak pengguna yang mencoba menggunakan media internet sebagai sarana untuk menghubungkan antarpengguna internet dalam sebuah sistem. Buku ini membahas sistem informasi manajemen karyawan dalam sebuah perusahaan. Sekarang banyak perusahaan …
To address the challenges posed by climate change, and to achieve the goals established in the 2015 Paris Agreement, nuclear power has been identified to have great potential to contribute to the 1.5°C climate change mitigation target. This topical conference on climate change and the role of nuclear power, the first of its kind, served as a unique forum for exchanging science-based informatio…
This publication provides guidance and gives detailed advice on methods and practical examples to develop quality assurance (QA) programmes for the safe transport of radioactive material. It further promotes a flexible approach to the development of a QA programme and may be used to prepare such a programme for a specific application by selection of appropriate features.
This Safety Practices publication, a part of the lAEA’s Radioactive Waste Safety Standards (RADWASS) programme, provides guidance on those application of internationally agreed principles for determining those levels of radionuclides in materials below which they can be exempted from regulatory control and can be recycled or reused without any further restriction. lt illustrates a methodology…
This book contain of seven section: Section I. Introduction; Section II. General provisions; Section III. Activity and fissile material limits; Section IV. Preparation, requirements and controls for shipment and for storage in transit; Section V. Requirements or radioactive materials and for packagings and packages; Section VI. Test procedures; and Section VII. Approval and administrative requi…
Edukatif, informatif, inspiratif, dan aplikatif. Adalah deretan kata yang pas dan sangat tepat dikatakan setelah membaca buku ini. Buku dengan judul “Kiat Memimpin dalam Abad ke-21” ini ditulis oleh seorang konsultan manajemen dan bisnis yaitu Prof. DR. Veitzhal Rivai, M.B.A.. Di dukung dengan pengalamannya buku ini akhirnya berhasil diluncurkan. Diantara pengalamannya yaitu, 25 tahun penul…
The Ertsberg, a hill among the unexplored remotenessess of Irian Jaya (Western New Guinea), Indonesia, contains the richest above-ground copper deposit on earth, and in 1960 mining engineer Forbes Wilson led the team that first developed the new find. The circumstances, indeed, are more intriguing than the story. The way to the copper was by dugouts manned by Stone Agers and a trek through jung…
Safety requirements for the design of containment systems are presented in a generic form. The various functions of confinement, isolation, energy management, radionuclide management and combustible gas control as well as the structural and leak integrity are covered. Annexes provide examples for the most common design solutions and other aspects.
This book consist : Introduction; Design principles; Postulated initiating events; and Design features. (Jml)