The World Distribution of Thorium Deposits map, at a scale of 1:35 000 000, is intended to be a snapshot of the IAEA ThDEPO database showing the broad distribution of thorium resources worldwide. The map displays the Thorium deposit-type classification system and deposit size ranges, and includes interactive querying and layer capability in the Adobe PDF version.
Uranium resources occur as clusters within geologically permissive zones, known as 'uranium provinces', where the majority of future discoveries are likely to be made. Additional discoveries may be made in uranium provinces where the geology is favourable but there are yet no known deposits. The World Distribution of Uranium Provinces map, at a scale of 1:35 000 000, shows the broad distributio…
PPT ini dipresentasikan oleh Azhar, ketua tim penilai pengawas radiasi BAPETEN pada acara Rakor Jabatan Fungsional Pengawas Radiasi di Jakarta, 26 Oktober 2016.
The transition to digital technology has changed the nature of instrumentation and control (l&C) systems by enabling extensive interconnection of reprogrammable, functionally interdependent I&C systems. This development has made computer security a necessary element for consideration in I&C system design. The benefits and challenges of the various computer security methods and controls with the…
This publication is a revision by amendment of IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-15 and provides recommendations and guidance on the storage of spent nuclear fuel. It covers all types of storage facility and all types of spent fuel from nuclear power plants and research reactors. It takes into consideration the longer storage periods beyond the original design lifetime of the storage facilit…
F.P. Lees Loss Prevention provides the fundamentals for any viable prevention program throughout all segments of industry. It covers recognized good engineering practices that can transform a good company into a GREAT company through protection of profits from unintended incidents, downtime, and litigation costs. These volumes cover it all and are as critical to a corporation's bottom line as a…
Buku Jelajah Kriptologi ini bukan merupakan buku ajar ataupun diktat, melainkan hanya sekedar memberikan gambaran umum mengenai persandian sebagai ilmu yang telah melangkah dari klasik ke modern. Buku ini juga tidak berpretensi “memintarkan” pembaca, penulisnya akan cukup puas bila pembaca menjadi “penasaran”, merasa kurang puas dan memburu buku-buku lain yang berhubungan dengan persand…