English Grammar in Use a book for students of English who want to study and practise using the grammar of the language. The book will be helpful to you if you are not sure of the answers to questions like these: - What is the difference between "I did" and "I have done" - When do we use "will" for the future? - What is the structure after "wish"? - When do we say "used to do" and when do we…
A joint effort of editorial staffs from Merriam-Webster and Encyclopaedia Britannica, Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature (MWEL) "contains entries for authors, works, literary landmarks, literary and critical terms, mythological and folkloric figures, fictional characters, literary movements and prizes, and other miscellaneous matters." The book is encyclopedic in coverage but very dic…
A joint effort of editorial staffs from Merriam-Webster and Encyclopaedia Britannica, Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature (MWEL) "contains entries for authors, works, literary landmarks, literary and critical terms, mythological and folkloric figures, fictional characters, literary movements and prizes, and other miscellaneous matters." The book is encyclopedic in coverage but very dic…
Publikasi Statistik Indonesia dalam Infografis 2017 merupakan publikasi pertama yang diterbitkan dalam rangka melengkapi kajian data yang disajikan pada tabel Statistik Indonesia 2017. Publikasi ini menyajikan visualisasi data yang dikemas guna memudahkan pengguna data memahami data yang disajikan pada publikasi statistik Indonesia 2017 (Jml)
Sinergi yg luar biasa dari para ilmuwan yg bekerja dengan motivasi spiritual, masyarakat yg terdidik dgn budaya rasional, dan negara yg memberikan iklim yang kondusif dan fasilitas terbaik agar ilmu dan teknologi berkembang pesat demi misi Islam yg rahmatal lil alamin. Inilah yang akan ditunjukkan buku ini.
Stabilisation/Solidification Treatment and Remediation - Advances in S/S for Waste and Contaminated Land contains 39 papers, summaries of the four keynote lectures and the seven State of Practice reports presented at the International Conference organized by the EPSRC-funded network STARNET (Stabilisation/solidification treatment and remediation). A wide range of topics relating to the stabiliz…
The development of stabilization and solidification techniques in the field of waste treatment reflects the efforts to better protect human health and the environment with modern advances in materials and technology. Stabilization and Solidification of Hazardous, Radioactive, and Mixed Wastes provides comprehensive information including case studies, selection criteria, and regulatory considera…
Apakah perbedaan komunikasi antara hewan, manusia purba dengan manusia modern? Bagaimana pula dengan ‘bahasa gaul’ wadam? Buku ini menyediakan jawabannya. Ditulis oleh Deddy Mulyana, M.A., Ph.D. seorang pakar komunikasi, buku ini mengombinasikan uraian ilmiah, pengalaman pribadi, dan anekdot, tanpa mengurangi bobotnya sebagai buku yang layak dibaca. Di dalamnya akan ditemukan banyak ilus…
This book contain of seven section: Section I. Introduction; Section II. General provisions; Section III. Activity and fissile material limits; Section IV. Preparation, requirements and controls for shipment and for storage in transit; Section V. Requirements for radioactive materials and for packagings and packages; Section VI. Test procedures; and Section VII. Approval and administrative requ…
This book consist of chapter I. Introduction; 2. The Photographic Process, a review of terms and concepts; 3. Application of the photocraphic technique to personnel monitoring; 4. Requirements for setting up a photographic personnel monitoring service; and 5. Examples of photographic personnel monitoring procedure. (Jml)