Membahas tentang rekayasa perangkat lunak dan tingkat perkembangannya yang sangat penting bagi mahasiswa maupun pengembang dan manajer yang mempraktekkannya atau yang perlu mempraktekkannya. Pokok bahasan meliputi : Produk; Proses; Konsep manajemen proyek; Proses perangkat lunak dan metrik proyek; Perencanaan proyek perangkat lunak; Manajemen risiko; Penjadwalan dan penelusuran proyek; Jaminan…
Membahas tentang pembuatan website baik secara offline dan online, Disamping itu juga kelebihan dan kekurangan antar CMS (Joomla, WordPress, AuraCMS). Buku ini akan memberikan panduan untuk menciptakan sebuah website perusahaan, website pribadi (blog), dan website universitas/sekolah, yang bisa dikembangkan sendiri untuk membuat website-website yang lain dengan menggunakan hosting yang benar-be…
Membahas beberapa situs pengganti / sebagai alternatif lain dari, yang merupakan salah satu situs file hosting terbesar saat ini, namun dalam pemanfaatannya memiliki banyak kelemahan. Beberapa situs file hosting pengganti yang akan di bahas antara lain Ziddu.Com , MegaUpload, 4shared.Com dan YourFileLink.Com. (Jml)
This Safety Guide provides guidance and recom m endations on surveillance activities to ensure that structures, systems and com ponents im portant to safety are available to perform their functions in accordance w ith design intent and assumptions. The Guide was prepared as part of the IAEA’s programme, referred to as the NUSS Programme, for establishing Codes of Practice and Safety Guides re…
Nuclear power plants of the light water reactor (LWR) type are so designed and operated that no accident reasonably considered to be possible would release significant amounts of fission products to the environment. It follows that rare improbable events such as severe accidents would provide the only potentially significant contribution to adverse human health effects. The potential for such s…
This report deals w ith the m edical m anagem ent of individual patients or small groups o f patients under close m edical supervision. Additional and quite different considerations arise in applying radiological protection principles in the public health field or in the consideration of prophylactic responses to w idespread environm ental contamination. These further aspects are not considered…
THIS is the first issues o,f a new journal The Annals of the ICRP. This and forthcoming issues of the Annals will contain all future publications of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, starting with Publication Number 24. In this way individuals and institutions who take out subscriptions to the Annals will be sure to obtain all the Commission's reports. However, thos…
(1) The International Commission on Radiological Protection has given general guidance on the precautions to be taken in the storage, handling and disposal of unsealed radioactive materia! in hospitals and medical research estabhshments in ICRP Publication 5”“. The present publication replaces the previous recommendations of the Commission given in ICRP Publicat& 5 and is primarily …
At its meeting in May 1978, Committee 4 on the application of the Commission’s Recommendations decided to revise ICRP Publication I?: “General Principles of Monitoring for Radiation Protection of Workers”, adopted in May 1968, in order to achieve coherence with the Commission’s Recommendations published in ICRP Publicatiorl26: “Recommendations of the International Commission on Ra…
Modern Physics is the most up-to-date, accessible presentation of modern physics available. The book is intended to be used in a one-semester course covering modern physics for students who have already had basic physics and calculus courses. The balance of the book leans more toward ideas than toward experimental methods and practical applications because the beginning student is better served…