Buku ini adalah salah satu usaha untuk meng”explicit”kan tacit knowledge Pak Heryudo. Tidak hanya tentang hal teknis, tetapi juga non teknis seperti pengalaman pertama naik pesawat ke luar negeri, pengalaman mengunjungi Jepang, India, dan Moroko. Buku ini tidak hanya berisi data dan information, tetapi juga knowledge dan wisdom. Saya berharap buku ini dibaca oleh Bapeteners, terutama gen…
Modern Nuclear Chemistry provides up-to-date coverage of the latest research as well as examinations of the theoretical and practical aspects of nuclear and radiochemistry. Includes worked examples and solved problems. Provides comprehensive information as a practical reference. Presents fundamental physical principles, in brief, of nuclear and radiochemistry. The first succinct coverag…
A Classic Text on Radiation Detection and Measurement Now Updated and Expanded Building on the proven success of this widely–used text, the Third Edition will provide you with a clear understanding of the methods and instrumentation used in the detection and measurement of ionizing radiation. It provides in–depth coverage of the basic principles of radiation detection as well as illustratin…
The study of historical earthquakes is very often the place to start in designing critical facilities. For this reason, accurate investigations on ancient events have been performed in all those countries in which the knowledge of the maximum level of hazard could directly affect the realization of important manmade structures. Italy is the most seismic area among the European industrialized co…
Geoscientists worldwide are developing and applying methodologies to estimate geologic hazards associated with the siting of nuclear facilities. Understanding such hazards, particularly in the context of the long functional lifetimes of many nuclear facilities, is challenging. This book documents the current state-of-the-art in volcanic and tectonic hazard assessment for proposed nuclear facili…
Radiogenic and stable isotopes are used widely in the earth sciences to determine the ages of rocks, meteorites and archeological objects, and as tracers to understand geological and environmental processes. Isotope methods determine the age of the Earth, help reconstruct the climate of the past, and explain the formation of the chemical elements in the Universe. This textbook provides a compre…
Buku ini berisi materi kehumasan yang selain untuk bahan pegangan bagi para praktisi kehumasan pemerintah, juga dimaksudkan sebagai manifestasi kepedulian profesi kehumasan terhadap perkembangan penanganan krisis ekonomi di tanah air yang terkesan berjalan lamban.. Buku pedoman ini disusun sebagai pedoman praktis penanggulangan krisis. (Jml)
Buku ini membahas tentang konsep-konsep dasar untuk memahami apa itu Public Relations (PR) dan bagaimana PR dipraktikkan dalam beragam setting, juga membahas tentang konsep, teori prinsip, dan proses PR. Selain itu juga dibahas informasi terkini dan contoh-contoh baru untuk membantu dalam memahami praktik PR kontemporer. (Jml)
* Transport phenomena: Fundamental concepts and problem solving * Transport phenomena: basic principles and laws * Molecular and convective transport * Similarity analysis, transfer coefficients, and other key concepts * Use differential equation solvers to solve complex transport problems This book is a true introduction to transport phenomena that presents all basic principles with a minimum …
Building on the experiences of scores of companies and hundreds of managers, J.M. Juran, the world-renowned quality pioneer, presents a new, exhaustively comprehensive approach to planning, setting, and reaching quality goals. Employing three case examples which encompass the three major sectors of the economy -- service, manufacturing, and support, he offers a practical plan for companies to a…