This book consist : Introduction; Core management; Handling and storage of fresh fuel; Implementation of the refuelling programme; Handling and storage of irradiated fuel; Handling and storage of core components; Preparation of fuel for dispatch; Administrative and organizational aspects; and Documentation. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Objectives in the remediation of contaminated areas; Radiation protection in remediation situations; Legal and regulatory framework; Development and implementation of a remediation programme; Operational aspects of remediation; and Post-remediation activities. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Safety objectives; Legislative and regulatory framework; Management of safety; Technical aspects of safety; and Verification of safety. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; General aspects of communication programmes; Communication programmes on nuclear safety; and Activities of the regulatory body in relation to communication. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Definition and character of safety culture; Universal features of safety culture; Tangible evidence; and Concluding comments. (Jml)
Proceedings contains material Opening session; Facing the Challenges (Session 1); Perspectives on global nuclear security: Achievements and lessons learned (session 2); Efforts to strengthen the global nuclear security framework (Session 3); Efforts to strengthen the global nuclear security framework (Session 3); Efforts to strengthen nuclear security in member states (session 4); Regional and …
Overview : global impact assessment; overviews : new roles for environmental monitoring; radionuclides releases to the atmosphere; radionuclide releases to the aquatic environment; radionuclides in the territorial environment; envirinmental model testing; radiological impac assessment; environmanetal remediation; topical discussions; environmental measurement and transfer studies; model studies…