SKN 2022 ini mengambil tema “Peran Pengawasan Ketenaganukliran dalam Transisi Energi Hijau dan Pengelolaan Limbah Radioaktif”. Tema ini diangkat dalam rangka menyambut acara KTT G20 2022 yang diselenggarakan di Bali, dengan tema besar berupa transisi energi, seiring dengan perhatian pemerintah yang lebih besar terhadap isu-isu transisi energi bersih dan pengelolaan limbah. Dari tema tersebu…
Thyroid Cancer and Nuclear Accidents: Long-Term Aftereffects of Chernobyl and Fukushima discusses the radiobiological effects of the release of radioiodine from two nuclear power plant accidents and appropriate interpretation of the results of thyroid ultrasound examination. The book pulls together expert opinion on radiation related thyroid cancer in an understandable manner, even for non thyr…
Written by Michael Stabin, a leading international authority in the field, this book is ideal for physicians and residents in nuclear medicine who want to improve their knowledge in internal dosimetry. This text is a practical introduction that guides the reader through fundamental concepts in the calculation of radiation dose, including discussions of standardized models, methods of calculatio…
With a heightened focus on green chemistry and sustainability as well as the development of nanomaterials, this second edition explores emerging applications of radiation technology to polymers. It considers novel uses in the automotive, electronics, and wood-processing industries; applications in waterborne coatings and adhesives, film modifications, high-performance coatings, and inkjet techn…
Pada saat ini masih banyak industri batik di Yogyakarta yang masih mengolah hasil limbahnya secara kimia, namun cara ini kurang efektif karena tidak dapat mengolah limbah hasil proses pewarnaan kain batik yang mengandung zat warna sintetis yang bersifat karsinogenik dan nonbiodegadrable. Untuk itu diperlukan teknik pengolahan limbah dengan radiasi sinar gamma. Pengurangan konsentrasi zat warna …
Seiring era globalisasi, permasalahan sekitar Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HaKI) semakin mendapat perhatian khusus dari negara-negara di dunia karena dianggap telah sangat mempengaruhi perekonomian. Demikian pentingnya HaKI, sehingga kemudian dimasukkan dalam Perundingan Perdagangan GATT yang akhirnya menghasilkan World Trade Organization (WTO) yang salah satu lampirannya adalah Agreement on …
Peralatan Elektrokardiograf (EKO) merupakan peralatan yangs sangat dibutuhkan dalam suatu rumah sakit. Perlu dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan antarmuka untuk memanfaatkan PC sebagai EKG. Perancangan dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan ketersediaan komponen di pasaran lokal. (Jml)
Energy efficiency is a journal and a guide intended to communicate to people, especially in the United States, the economic and social benefits of rebuilding our aged, inefficient energy supply systems where use of internet-based information technology underpins the communication and trust needed to realize the huge profit potential contained in energy efficiency. (Jml)
This book discusses renewable energy, especially solar radiation. With a practical approach written by experts in their fields who work at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The topics cover the basics of solar radiation, bright sky solar radiation modeling, global radiation modeling, missing component modeling, daylight modeling, future prospects of solar radiation, and many othe…