This volume has a threefold purpose: to explain the physical concepts of quantum mechanics, to describe the mathematical formalism, and to present illustrative examples of both the ideas and the methods.
This text is intended as the basic for an intermediate course in mechanics at the undergraduate level. Such a course, as essential preparation for advanced work in physics, has several major objetives.
This text is an experimentalist's approach to the understanding of nuclear phenomena. In the early chapters, attention is given to several fundamental concepts. The physical aspects receive emphasis in the main text, while the corresponding mathematical details are treated more fully in appendices. Problems are offered for solution at the end of many sections, and reference tables of many of th…
The study of atomic structure is among the most important topics in modern physics, and in this age of nuclear fission and fusion the atomic nucleus has top priority as an object of intensive investigation and experimental research. This modern survey, originally published in 1958, presents all the available important facts about the nuclei of atoms in an unusually readable text. After a cle…
This book discusses theoretical physics. The topics covered include mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and statistical physics
This book about Introduction To Quantum Mechanics. the subject consists of xv chapter. Some content discusses about survey of classical mechanics, the old quantum theory, the wave equation, the hydrogen atom, and many more.
Pengaturan tegangan anoda akselerator implantansi ion dilakukan dengan aktuator berupa sistem motor DC terkopel variak satu fase. Perancangan kendali atas sistem aktuator ini membutuhkan informasi karakteristik sistem direpresentasikan oleh model yang sesuai. Melalui penelitian ini diharapkan dapat ditemukan model yang sesuai dan akurat dari sistem motor DC akselerator implantasi ion. (Jml)
Sistem pengadaan bahan merupakan salah satu bagian penting dari sistem manajemen restoran dalam menjamin kelangsungan usaha sebuah restoran. Pengadaan bahan yang baik akan menghasilkan kualitas makanan dan minuman yang baik juga. Dengan pesatnya perkembangan usaha diperlukan suatu sistem informasi yang mendukung manajemen perusahaan antara lain mendukung manajemen pengadaan bahan. Subsistem dar…