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Berisi Rencana Strategis BAPETEN Tahun 2001 – 2005 yaitu: 1. Mengkaji, mengembangkan dan merumuskan peraturan atau mengadopsi peraturan. 2. Meningkatkan metode/sistem perizinan yang berkualitas serta melaksanakan proses perizinan termasuk verifikasi, sertifikasi dan akreditasi secara transparan. 3. Melaksanakan inspeksi keselamatan nuklir yang efektif dan efisien serta menyempurnakan metode/…
Berisi UU RI Nomor 10 Tahun 1997 Tentang Ketenaganukliran terdiri IX Bab, 48 Pasal, ditandatangani pada tanggal 10 April 1997 oleh Presiden RI Soeharto
Berisi Undang-Undang, Peraturan Pemerintah, Keputusan Presiden, dan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal BATAN di bidang Tenaga Atom. (Jml)
Apa itu kebijakan publik dan bagaimana caranya mengkaji masalah sosial? Inilah yang dibahas dalam buku yang ditulis oleh Edi Suharto, yakni tentang kebijakan publik dan masalah sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat. Buku ini juga membahas bagaimana seharusnya membuat kebijakan publik yang ideal. Buku ini terbit pada 2005 dan diterbitkan oleh Alfabeta Bandung. Ada beberapa pokok bahasan yang cuk…
This book examines the evolution of international nuclear non-proliferation trade controls over time. The book argues that the international nuclear export controls have developed in a sub-optimal way as a result of a non-proliferation collective action problem. This has resulted in competition among suppliers, owing to the absence of an overarching effective system of control. While efforts…
This book constitutes an original archival history of government secrecy, public relations and the debate surrounding nuclear weapons in Britain from 1970 to 1983. The book contrasts the secrecy and near-silence of the Heath, Wilson and Callaghan governments on nuclear issues in the 1970s with the increasingly vocal case made for the possession of nuclear weapons by the first Thatcher govern…
The scope of Security and International Affairs research has expanded tremendously since the end of the Cold War to include topics beyond the realm of war studies or military statecraft. The field―once devoted solely to the study of conventional military and nuclear security issues―has diversified to include foci often considered nontraditional, including peace and conflict, political, econ…
Renegotiating the Nuclear Order offers a sociological approach to the nuclear order, and order defined by nuclear technology and nuclear weapons. The focus is on the need to renegotiate the nuclear order, given the conflict between deterrence and disarmament and the unbalanced distribution of rights and responsibilities between the nuclear and nonnuclear states. The study applies the concept…