An exploration of the state-of-the-art in power conversion techniques and power semiconductor devices, this edition features a bottom-down approach, covering the characteristics of power semiconductor devices first and then the fundamentals of conversion techniques. It also examines the characteristics of modern ower semiconductor devices such as SCrs, BJTs, MOSFETs, SITs, SITHs, IGBTs and MCTs.
This Safety Guide, co-sponsored by the ILO, provides general guidance on the establishment of an effective radiation protection programme for occupational exposure, appropriate for the sources of radiation likely to be encountered in a range of industries, medical institutions, educational and research establishments and nuclear fuel cycle facilities. It further provides the necessary guidance …
This report deals with radon and thoron and their decay products in workplaces other than mines. It is intended for use in the application of radiation protection principles in those workplaces where employers may not have an extensive background in radiation protection. It provides practical information on action levels for workplaces, on monitoring techniques and on actions aimed at reducing …
This book consist : Introduction; Extent of the protection system; General design principles; Design basis; Cause of protection system failures; Reliability; Detailed design principles; Safety system monitoring; Safety actuation systems and safety system support features; Design verification; and System documentation. (Jml)
Tema ini berdekatan dengan tema HAKTEKNAS XXIV yaitu Iptek dan Inovasi dalam Industri Kreatif 4.0, dimana Industri Kreatif 4.0 perlu diperjuangkan dalam kerangka kemandirian dan daya saing bangsa. Sesuai dengan tema, maka Seminar Keselamatan Nuklir ini diharapkan dapat menjadi forum pertemuan ilmiah antara pihak pengawas dengan pengguna, pakar dan masyarakat/publik melalui pertukaran informasi,…
SKN memiliki visi mengenalkan bidang ketenaganukliran kepada stakeholder dan masyarakat yang lebih luas seperti instansi pemerintah, akademisi, pemerhati, dan asosiasi profesi sehingga pengawasan ketenaganukliran dapat menjadi isu nasional. Untuk mencapai visi tersebut, tahun 2018 ini BAPETEN bekerjasama dengan Universitas Brawijaya dalam penyelenggaraan SKN sehingga keterlibatan pihak universi…
PPT ini terkait acara “Sosialisasi Teknis Pihak Berkepentingan Untuk Proses Perpanjangan Izin Operasi RSG-GAS”. Jumat, 13 November 2020. Ruang lingkup pembahasan dalam PPT ini adalah pengertian tenaga nuklir, pemafaatan tenaga nuklir, dan aspek pengawaasannya. Presentasi oleh Zainal Arifin, Deputi Bidang Perizinan dan Inspeksi BAPETEN
THe development of nuclear fission chain reactor for the conversion of mass to energy and the transmutation of elements has brought into industrial prominence chemical substances and chemical engineering processes that a few years ago were ago were no more than scientific curiosties.
Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi acuan dalam melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi penerapan Jabatan Fungsional Pranata Humas. Pemantauan dan evaluasi penerapan Jabatan Fungsional Pranata Humas dilakukan oleh instansi Pembina secara keseluruhan terhadap instansi pengguna Jabatan Fungsional Pranata Humas di seluruh instansi Pemerintah. Pemantauan dan evaluasi penerapan Jabatan Fungsional Pranata H…
This book discusses about nuclear decommissioning, radioactive waste management and also how to keep the environment safe. The topic of discussion is divided into 24 chapters covering decontamination techniques, costs and policies related to nuclear reactor decommissioning, radioactive waste management strategies, and designing a framework for environmental restoration (MM).