The reactor physicst must resist the tendency to become so immersed in day-to-day problems as to lose sight of the overall role of reactor physics. It is his responsibility to form an independent opinion of the overall requirements of a project with respect to reactor physics and to try to make sure they are met. The rest of this presentation gives a general picture of the areas in which rea…
This Safety Report provides guidance on the safe use of radiation for imaging and treatment in veterinary medicine with the objective of ensuring the safety and radiation protection of workers and members of the public. The publication addresses occupational exposure and public exposure in the use of radiation in veterinary medicine and safety issues that should be considered in order to be com…
The Technical Committee Meeting on Poolside Inspection, Repair and Reconstitution of LWR Fuel Elements was organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency upon the recommendations of the International Working Group on Fuel Performance Technology. At the invitation of the Government of Switzerland, the meeting was held in Bad Zurzach in October 1997 and hosted by Nordostschweizerische Kraftw…
This Safety Guide provides specific recommendations on protection against internal and external hazards in the operation of nuclear power plants. It provides new or updated recommendations derived from enhanced understanding of operational aspects of hazards and combinations of hazards. Operating experience gained from incidents and accidents in nuclear power plants around the world has demonst…
Buku ini membahas secara lengkap mengenai langkah-langkah pembuatan produk hingga upaya pemasaran, juga mengajarkan mengenai cara-cara menyusun sebuah surat penjualan yang menghipnotis sehingga pengunjung lebih tertarik untuk membeli produk yang ditawarkan. (Jml)
The effectiveness of nuclear regulatory systems is enhanced by portraying transparency and openness in communicating all matters relating to safety to the public and stakeholders. This plays an important role in maintaining and enhancing public confidence on the safe use of nuclear energy for socioeconomic development. The regulatory body, in presenting the comprehensive safety status of nuclea…
Radioisotopes produced by cyclotrons, and their corresponding radiopharmaceuticals, have been shown to be extremely valuable in basic medical research, disease diagnosis and radiotherapy treatment. More than 300 cyclotron facilities exist worldwide and the number is growing. A number of IAEA Member States have acquired cyclotrons to produce radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and several others …
This Safety Guide was developed under the IAEA programme for safety standards for research reactors, which covers all the important areas of research reactor safety. It supplements and elaborates upon the safety requirements for the commissioning of research reactors that are established in the IAEA Safety Requirements publication on the Safety of Research Reactors [1]. It also relates to the I…
This publication provides guidance for following the requirements for management systems that integrate safety, health, security, quality assurance and environmental objectives. A successful management system ensures that nuclear safety matters are not dealt with in isolation but are considered within the context of all these objectives. The aim of this publication is to assist Member States to…
This Safety Guide provides recommendations on all the main components of operating experience feedback systems, utilizing relevant information on events and abnormal conditions that have occurred at nuclear installations around the world. It focuses on the interaction between the different systems for using operating experience feedback and constitutes an update and an extension of Part I: A Na…