This book examines what is currently known about building safe electromechanical systems and looks at the accidents of the past to see what lessons can be applied to new computer-controlled systems. One obvious lessons is that most accidents are not the result of unknown scientific principles but rather of a failure to apply well-known, standard engineering practices. A second lesson is that ac…
This book provides an introduction to reliability and risk analysis, both for engineering students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and for practicing engineers. Since realibility analysis is a multidisciplinary subject, the scope is not limited to any one engineering disciplines. Rather, the material is applicable to most engineering discipline. I developed the contents of this book f…
People performing in systems have in common the fact that they are each somebody doing something, someplace. The possibilities range from a telephone installer connecting a cable high a top a pole in the middle of winter, to achauffeur driving an automibile on a curvy mountain road, or a craftsperson building a violin in a small workshop on a sultry afternoon. In each case, there is somebody do…
in this book, the terms safety or hazard analysis are viewed interchange ably, and they, as well as reliability analysis, refer to studies of process of equipment failure or operability. If the purpose of the study is to determine safety parameters, it is necessary to condider, in addition to equipment failure and operability, the possibility of damage by (or to) the system. I this Phase of the…
Buku ini membahas antara lain mengenai sumber energi matahari beserta karakteristik serta peralatan untuk mengukur besaran-besaran radiasi yang dapat digunakan untuk dirubah menjadi listrik oleh sel surya; Prinsip kerja, karakteristik, jenis-jenis teknologi pembuatan sel surya seperti silicon monocrystal/polycrystal; Sel surya amorphous; Jenis proses dan fabrikasi sel surya berikut desain-desai…
This Safety Practices publication, a part of the lAEA’s Radioactive Waste Safety Standards (RADWASS) programme, provides guidance on those application of internationally agreed principles for determining those levels of radionuclides in materials below which they can be exempted from regulatory control and can be recycled or reused without any further restriction. lt illustrates a methodology…
Edukatif, informatif, inspiratif, dan aplikatif. Adalah deretan kata yang pas dan sangat tepat dikatakan setelah membaca buku ini. Buku dengan judul “Kiat Memimpin dalam Abad ke-21” ini ditulis oleh seorang konsultan manajemen dan bisnis yaitu Prof. DR. Veitzhal Rivai, M.B.A.. Di dukung dengan pengalamannya buku ini akhirnya berhasil diluncurkan. Diantara pengalamannya yaitu, 25 tahun penul…
Safety requirements for the design of containment systems are presented in a generic form. The various functions of confinement, isolation, energy management, radionuclide management and combustible gas control as well as the structural and leak integrity are covered. Annexes provide examples for the most common design solutions and other aspects.
This book consist : Introduction; Basis and content of the operating organization emergency plan; Emergency conditions; Organization for emergencies; Emergency facilities; Emergency measures; Aid to affected personnel; Termination of emergency; Maintaining emergency preparedness; and Records. (Jml)