As Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational Heat Transfer (CHT) evolve and become increasingly important in standard engineering design and analysis practice, users require a solid understanding of mechanics and numerical methods to make optimal use of available software. The Finite Element Method in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics, Third Edition illustrates what a user must know t…
Through four editions, this resource has established itself as the best introduction to nuclear imaging techniques. It is practical, yet comprehensive, covering physics, instrumentation, quality control, and legal requirements. The 5th Edition features a new color format, with many user-friendly features such as "Pearls and Pitfalls." More than 600 pictures in digital-quality resolution depict …
Excessive levels of heavy metals can be introduced into the environment, for example, by industrial waste or fertilizers. Soil represents a major sink for heavy metals ions, which can then enter the food chain via plants or leaching into groundwater. In Heavy Metal Ions in the Environment, the author looks at where heavy metals ions come from, how they interact with the environment and how they…
Offering the most current and complete introduction to nuclear engineering available, this book contains new information on French, Russian, and Japanese nuclear reactors. All units have been revised to reflect current standards. Includes discussions of new reactor types including the AP600, ABWR, and SBWR as well as an extensive section on non-US design reactors; the nuclear Navy and its impac…
Plant life management (PLiM) is a methodology focused on the safety-first management of nuclear power plants over their entire lifetime. It incorporates and builds upon the usual periodic safety reviews and license renewals as part of an overall framework designed to assist plant operators and regulators in assessing the operating conditions of a nuclear power plant, and establishing the techni…
Offering the most current and complete introduction to nuclear engineering available, this book contains new information on French, Russian, and Japanese nuclear reactors. All units have been revised to reflect current standards. Includes discussions of new reactor types including the AP600, ABWR, and SBWR as well as an extensive section on non-US design reactors; the nuclear Navy and its impac…
Engineers not only need to understand the basics of how fluid power components work, but they must also be able to design these components into systems and analyze or model fluid power systems and circuits. There has long been a need for a comprehensive text on fluid power systems, written from an engineering perspective, which is suitable for an undergraduate-level course in fluid power. Fl…
Technological and social aspects of industrial safety come under the scrutiny of scientists and engineers from an array of backgrounds. This is the third publication developed from a very fruitful, longstanding cooperation between the Institute of Social Research within the Institute of Nuclear Safety System in Japan, and the Research Center Systems Safety, Berlin University of Technology. The …
This “Handbook of Nuclear Medicine Practices in the Developing Countries” is meant primarily for those, who intend to install and practice nuclear medicine in a developing country. By and large, the conventional textbooks of nuclear medicine do not cater to the special problems and needs of these countries. The Handbook is not trying to replace these Textbooks, but supplement them with spec…
This book consist : Introduction; Overview on non-reactor nuclear facilities; Basic safety and radiological protection; Decommissioning strategy and planning; Decommissioning techniques and equipment; Design and operational features to simplify decommissioning; Decommissioning experience; and Conclusions. (jml)