This book consist : Introduction; Geological disposal of radioactive waste; Function of the geological barrier in a disposal system; Focusing hydrogeological ivestigations; Hydrogeological issues in disposal systems; Approaches to characterization of the hydrogeological system; and Summary. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Waste segregation and characterization; Chemical and adsorptive precipitation and plocculation; Examples of chemical treatment facilities; Process selection; Process equipment; Sludge conditioning; and Concluding remarks. (Jml)
This book consist : Chapter 1. Introduction; Chapter 2. Status of international gas cooled reactor development; Chapter 3. General features of gas cooled reactors and their safety characteristics; Chapter 4. Gas cooled reactor design and safety in the United Kingdom; Chapter 5. Gas cooled reactor design and safety in the United States of America; Chapter 6. Gas cooled reactor design and safety …
This book consist : Overview; Semi-pilot study on the effect of radurization of dried mackerel (Pneunoatophorous japonicus) for extension of shelf life; Insect disifectation of dried fosh products by irradiation; Economic feasibility studies on radiation preservation of dried and cured fishery products, onions and potatoes; Radiation preservation of dried fish indigenous to Asia; Combination of…
This book consist : Introduction; Purposes of the report; Scope; Planning the cleanup; Managing the Cleanup; Characterizing the affected area; Deposition of contamination on surfaces; Characterizing the contamination; Stabilization of contamination; Decontamination techniques and equipment; Interdiction of an area; Application of cleanup technology to situations involving high radiation fields;…
This book consist : Introduction; Scope; Fluidelastic phenomena general description; Methods used for the prediction of LMFBR vibrations; Impact on the design; Measurement and vibrationnal monitoring; and Conclusions and recommendations. (jml)
This book consist : Scope; General purposes of off-gas cleaning and ventilation systems; Health and safety requirements for design of off-gas cleaning and ventilation systems in nuclear facilities; System design; Typical containment, ventilation systems and components; Filter properties; Filter testing methods; and Conclusions. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Nature of high level liquid waste (HLLW); HLLW solidification processes and their application; Sources and characteristics of off-gas contaminants; Equipment used in off-gas treatment systems; Typical off-gas systems and their performance; Safety considerations; and Conclusions. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Spent resins management; Direct immobilization; Pretreatment and volume reduction, immobilization of residus; Comparison of waste forms made by direct immobilization and after volume reduction; Considerations for storage and disposal; and Conclusions. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; the nature of radioactive liquid wastes; Considerations for the design of waste handling facilities; Deisgn and construction of evaporation systems; Design and construction of storage tanks and associated equipment; Design of accessories for evaporators and storage tanks; Operationg experience; shielding; Safety; Environmental protection; and Conclusions. (Jml)