Proceedings contains material: Agenda; Role of NPP in ensuring long term energy supply; Energy policy of Indonesia; Status of NPP preparation in Indonesia; Regulation of NPP in Indonesia; Basic features of NPP; Safety aspects of NPP in Japan; Public information & education; and Financing for Indonesian power sector. (Jml)
Buku ini selain mengungkap sejarah perjuangan umat manusia dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan untuk menguak misteri kehidupan tanaman dan fenomena alam sebagai anugerah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, juga dimaksudkan sebagai upaya untuk membangun kesadaran bersama akan tantangan besar yang dihadapi manusia di abad dua satu dalam menyediakan pangan yang cukup dan berkelanjutan dengan tetap mempertahan…
Buku laporan keselamatan nuklir ini berisi tentang status keselamatan, keamanan dan safeguards pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir di Indonesia tahun 2011 yang secara umum sudah baik dan memenuhi persyaratan yang diatur dalam peraturan dan perundangan, walaupun masih ada beberapa instalasi nuklir yang harus memperbaiki status keselamatan dan keamanan. Adapun status safeguads menunjukkan tidak ada penyimp…
This book presents common themes and best practices for managing social, economic, and environmental risks and impacts at mines in the developed world. Although the term sustainability is often applied to efforts to address social, economic, and environmental risk and impacts, many struggle with its application to the extraction of nonrenewable resources. Obviously, a finite amount of mineral d…
Radiation Protection in Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology focuses on the professional, operational, and regulatory aspects of radiation protection. Advances in radiation medicine have resulted in new modalities and procedures, some of which have significant potential to cause serious harm. Examples include radiologic procedures that require very long fluoroscopy times, radiolabeled monoclo…
Discover where the real success in business can be found. What makes some businesses more successful than others? The answer: people. Organizations with motivated, talented employees that offer outstanding customer service are more likely to pull ahead of the competition. Performance Management is the first text to emphasize this key competitive advantage, showing readers that success in today'…
Performance Coaching offers a guide to the fundamentals of coaching with an overview of all the key principles, tools and case studies you need to develop more advanced knowledge. Whether you're thinking about becoming a coach, already running a professional coaching practice or thinking about how you can embed a coaching culture in your organization, Carol Wilson illustrates how to develop a b…
Details technology associated with radiation oncology, emphasizing design of all equipment allied with radiation treatment. Describes procedures required to implement equipment in clinical service, covering needs assessment, purchase, acceptance, and commissioning, and explains quality assurance issues. Also addresses less common and evolving technologies. For medical physicists and radiation o…
The sixth edition of Industrial Safety and Health Management continues the tradition of earlier editions in providing common sense rationales for safety and health standards and work practices along with new developments in the field. This edition also has more case studies, examples, exercises, and illustrations to add realism to the learning process. (Jml)
Essay about Review of single-phase flow; Basic concepts of two-phase flow theory; Derivations of two-phase flow modeling equations; Analyses and numerical simulations of basic two-phase flows; and Selected case studies, including Appendices. (Jml)