Analisis dosis dari penggunaan terak timah 2 sebagai substitusi parsial agregat halus dalam pembuatan mortar pada bangunan dengan RESRAD-BUILD. Industri pengolahan dan peleburan timah menghasilkan hasilnsamping salah satunya berupa terak timah 2. Terak timah 2 memiliki kandungan radionuklida anak luruh dari deret uranium dan thorium dengan konsentrasi aktivitas tertentu. Aspek penggunaan kembal…
A subject index and a comprehensive index of radionuclides considered in all parts and supplements of ICRP Publication 30.
Radioisotopes produced by cyclotrons, and their corresponding radiopharmaceuticals, have been shown to be extremely valuable in basic medical research, disease diagnosis and radiotherapy treatment. More than 300 cyclotron facilities exist worldwide and the number is growing. A number of IAEA Member States have acquired cyclotrons to produce radioisotopes for nuclear medicine and several others …
This publication considers radionuclide transfer in tropical and arid environments with a focus on root uptake by crops from soils. The data collected and analysed are relevant for estimating the transfer of radionuclides through food chains to humans and for assessing radiation doses to the public due to intakes of these radionuclides in plant products used as food. The data relate to equilibr…
The accurate and precise determination of radionuclide concentrations in marine samples is an important aspect of marine radioactivity assessment and in the use of radionuclides in studies of oceanographic processes. To support and improve data quality, the IAEA Environment Laboratories (IAEA-EL) in Monaco regularly conduct characterization studies aimed to assign values to reference materi…
(1) The International Commission on Radiological Protection has given general guidance on the precautions to be taken in the storage, handling and disposal of unsealed radioactive materia! in hospitals and medical research estabhshments in ICRP Publication 5”“. The present publication replaces the previous recommendations of the Commission given in ICRP Publicat& 5 and is primarily …
This book consist : Introduction; Sealed sources; Unsealed sources; Storage of sources; Transportationof radioactive material; Accidents; Decontamination; and Radioactive waste control and disposal. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Nature of the radioactive waste and disposal practice; Exemption and clearance principles and their application; Radiation dos assessment; and Derivation of clearance levels. (Jml)
This book consist : Introduction; Exemption and clearance principles; Derived unconditional clearance levels for radionuclides in solid materials; Verification of clearance levels; and Regulatory aspects. (Jml)