Perkembangan teknologi elektronika dan komputer hingga saat ini banyak dimanfaatkan di berbagai bidang. Salah satu bidang yang banyak memanfaatkan peralatan elektronika dan komputer adalah bidang kedokteran. Dalam ilmu kedokteran ada cabang ilmu radiologi yang sarat dengan aplikasi teknik fisika, elektonika, dan komputer untuk melakukan pemcitraan bagian-bagian tubuh manusia yang membantu dokte…
Kegiatan kajian ini dilakukan berdasarkan permintaan pimpinan yang ditujukan kepada P2STPFRZR untuk menelaah dan mengkaji profil pemenuhan kebutuhan radiofarmaka I-131 di kedokteran nuklir di Indonesia serta permasalahannya. Hal ini dilandasi atas keluhan dan informasi dari masyarakat, pengguna, dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya terkait banyaknya pasien yang harus dilayani dan tuntutan kebutuhan…
This book consist : Introduction; International safeguards: 1945-1998; The AIMS and limitations of IAEA safeguards; How safeguards work in practice; and New challenges and opportunities. (Jml)
Pedoman ini disusun untuk membantu Unit Kerja di BAPETEN dan para pihak terkait dalam upaya respons terhadap kejadian kehilangan atau penemuan Zat Radioaktif dan penanggulangannya, agar memenuhi persyaratan dan ketentuan peraturan perundangundangan, pengaturannya secara efisien dan efektif, dan sesuai dengan standar internasional. Sejalan dengan perkembangan peraturan perundang-undangan nasi…
This book introduces nuclear data to the newcomer and provides a basic introduction to the role of nuclear data as the foundation of nuclear structure study. The material presented assumes no prior knowledge of the content or language used in communicating details of nuclear data. The approach builds on basic concepts: from gross properties of nuclei, through properties of quantum excited state…
Radiation detection is key to experimental nuclear physics as well as underpinning a wide range of applications in nuclear decommissioning, homeland security and medical imaging. This book presents the state-of-the-art in radiation detection of light and heavy ions, beta particles, gamma rays and neutrons. The underpinning physics of different detector technologies is presented, and their perfo…
This book describes two aspects of fusion plasma physics that are usually treated separately. Written in tutorial form, the first part of the book presents some of the essentials of magnetically confined plasma physics that are necessary for an in-depth understanding of the basic principles and underlying phenomena, in a consistent and comprehensive way. The second part is focused on existing p…
Nuclear structure Physics connects to some of our fundamental questions about the creation of universe and its basic constituents. At the same time, precise knowledge on the subject has lead to develop many important tools of human kind such as proton therapy, radioactive dating etc. This book contains chapters on some of the crucial and trending research topics in nuclear structure, including …
This book consist : Overview by the acting director; Corporate overview; Program reporting; Reports of the NSB; Nuclear regulatory environment; Human resources; Financial resources; Other resources; External scrutiny; Impact monitoring; and Glossary, abbreviatiations and acronyms. (Jml)
Nuclear Theory Degree Zero: Essays Against the Nuclear Android investigates the threat conveyed and maintained by the nuclear cycle: mining, research, health, power generation and weaponry. Central to this polyvalent 'report' on the infiltration of our lives and control over them exerted by the industrial-military complex, are critiques of the creation, storage and use of atomic weapons, the…