This book is a comprehensive guide to the current state-of-the-art science and technology involved in the analysis and development of gamma-ray nuclear materials for commercial, medical, industrial, military and space applications. It reviews the current and upcoming materials and material-based technologies for gamma-ray detectors, as well as their growth process in various forms, such as sing…
Until the publication of the first edition of Introduction to Nuclear Reactions in 2004, an introductory reference on nuclear reactions had been unavailable. Now, fully updated throughout, this second edition continues to provide an authoritative overview of nuclear reactions. It discusses the main formalisms, ranging from basic laws to the final formulae used in academic research to calculate …
A landmark volume in science writing by one of the great minds of our time, Stephen Hawking’s book explores such profound questions as: How did the universe begin—and what made its start possible? Does time always flow forward? Is the universe unending—or are there boundaries? Are there other dimensions in space? What will happen when it all ends? Told in language we all can understand…
The authors expound on non-traditional phenomena for transfer theory, which are nevertheless of considerable interest in wave measurements, and bring the advances of transfer theory as close as possible to the practical needs of those working in all areas of wave physics. The book opens with a historical overview of the topic, then moves on to examine the phenomenological theory of radiative tr…
Modul Pelatihan Keamanan Sumber Radiasi ini merupakan materi ajar pada pelatihan yang diperuntukan bagi inspktur dan untuk tahun 2007 ini yang menjadi prioritas adalah Inspektur senior. Modul ini diharapkan dapat digunakan secara rutin sebagai materi dalam Pelatihan Keamanan Sumber Radiasi, dengan harapan inspektur yang sudah dilatih akan memiliki kemampuan untuk dapat menjelaskan tentang siste…
As useful to students and nuclear professionals as its popular predecessors, this fifth edition provides the most up-to-date and accessible introduction to radiation detector materials, systems, and applications. There have been many advances in the field of radiation detection, most notably in practical applications. Incorporating these important developments, Measurement and Detection of Radi…
The sun radiates a tremendous amount of energy, called solar energy or solar radiation, which is the main natural source of energy on the Earth, by far. Because solar radiation is the almost unique supplier of energy to the Earth, it has a primary influence on life and activities on the Earth. The climate is a first example, but there are many others, such as plant growth or human health, or ev…
Buku Panduan (Programme Guide) Indonesian Science Year and 100 Years of Einstein Theory, Meeting of Indonesian Scientist in the 21st Century: “Toward Bright and Brilliant Indonesia”. Jakarta: 18-19 Nopember 2005. (AR)
Radiation Detection: Concepts, Methods, and Devices provides a modern overview of radiation detection devices and radiation measurement methods. The book topics have been selected on the basis of the authors’ many years of experience designing radiation detectors and teaching radiation detection and measurement in a classroom environment. This book is designed to give the reader more than …
This book consist : Introduction; Physics of some radiation detectors; Fundamental or direct measurements of activity in radioactive decayIndirect or comparative measurements of activity in radioactive decay; Techniques for the preparation of standard solutions and samples for counting and calibration; The assay of radioactivity and the identification of radionuclides in environmental, medical,…