Selulosa tanaman dan selulosa bakteri memiliki sifat fisik yang berbeda. Serat-serat di permukaan selulosa bakteri lebih rapat dibandingkan dengan serat-serat pada selulosa tanaman. Perbedaan sifat tersebut mempengaruhi produk turunan yang dihasilkan. Serat selulosa yang rapat dapat dibuat lebih berongga dengan menggunakan natrium hidroksida. Dari Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun sel…
Buku ini mencakup pembahasan tentang konsep-konsep dasar fisika inti; momentum sudut, momen magnetik, dan momen listrik inti; gaya nuklir dan interpretasi fisisnya; energi ikat inti; radioaktivitas dan berbagai mekanismenya; interaksi radiasi nuklir dengan materi dan parameter-parameternya; peluruhan alfa, beta, dan gamma beserta mekanisme dan energetikanya; reaksi inti dan mekanismenya; serta …
This book discusses renewable energy, especially solar radiation. With a practical approach written by experts in their fields who work at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The topics cover the basics of solar radiation, bright sky solar radiation modeling, global radiation modeling, missing component modeling, daylight modeling, future prospects of solar radiation, and many othe…
Penelitian ini adalah membuat suatu prototipe penganalisis medan magnet induksi komponen induktip terbuat dari lembaran baja FeSiC berisolator. Instrumen bekerja berdasarkan induksi medan magnet dari lilitan primer. Masukan kumparan primer berupa sinyal AC konvensional dengan frekuensi 50 Hz dan arus sampai dengan 2,5 A. Evaluasi medan magnet induksi dan rugi besi mengikuti standar JIS C2550 "E…
This International Standard describes a precise and accurate method for the analysis of natural gas. The gas sample shall not contain any hydrocarbon condensate and/or water. The method requires the use of two columns which can be put into one or two gas chromatographs. The constituents of the eluent of the first column are detected by a thermal conduc-2 References
This text is a major revision of An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, and Statistical Mechanics by Francis W. Sears. The general approach has been unaltered and the level remains much the same, perhaps being increased somewhat by greater coverage. The text is still considered useful for advanced undergraduates in physics and engineering who have some familiarity with calculus.
This book has grown out of a collaboration of the authors in a sophomore course in physics at Yale University, a course which a aimed to equip engineering students and majors in the natural sciences with sufficient basic knowledge of physics to serve as a foundation for further work in the various exact sciences and technologies. (AR)
This book is an introduction to the physical concepts and mathematical formulations of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. (AR)
The purpose of this book is to introduce the reader to the study of the physical properties of crystalline solids. Chapters 9 through 20 deal with the electronic properties of solids and require familiarity with the elements of wave mechanics, although in a number of chapters no explicit use of wave mechanics is made.
This volume has a threefold purpose: to explain the physical concepts of quantum mechanics, to describe the mathematical formalism, and to present illustrative examples of both the ideas and the methods.